Elizabeth Saolotoga Elizabeth Saolotoga

My traumatic experience with Endometriosis

My experience with endometriosis wasn’t easy. I saw GP after GP that had no idea what to do with me. I started calling them Dr Google instead of their names. They prescribed me pill after pill; they each had horrible side effects. One of the symptoms was the impact on my mental health.

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Elizabeth Saolotoga Elizabeth Saolotoga

Seeing the world through a multi-cultural lens

The stereotype is real. Recently I organized a school activity for my son to do and it was ukulele class. One of the mums approached me and asked me if the teacher was my husband. I looked at her and said “No”. It made me angry and I thought if he was white and I asked her if that was her husband, she would have looked at me thinking hmmm that’s a strange question to ask.

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